Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Painted Violin Project

As a fundraiser, The Community Music School in Trappe, PA selected 20 artists to create individual works of art using violins as their canvas.  Each violin was done according to a music theme.  I was selected to create a piece with the theme of "Appalachian Spring".  The violins will be shown at the concerts performed by the music school for a year and raffle tickets will be sold throughout the year. The violins will be raffled off in October 2012 at the 20th Anniversary Gala.

"Appalachian Spring" was my first choice of theme.  I lived in Virginia for a few years at the foot of the Appalachians and Redbuds and Dogwoods defined spring for me there.  I am extremely honored and excited to have been selected for this and am looking forward to seeing all the violins.

I finished the piece last week and here it is!

I'm also looking forward to getting some professional photos of the violin as part of the agreement.  I've found mosaics to be difficult to photograph because of the reflections from the glass.